Friday 29 March 2013

Friday Roundup/ holidays

This week I finally got round to animating my little model
It looks funny, but I got a good understanding of how it all works.
Will go over the footage and erase the crane that held the model up so it looks better.

But what I plan for over the holidays it what I'm  really excited about!
Ignoring the fact I have completely wasted today playing a new MMORPG that came out yesturday (came out at 7pm, so after a quick trip to the pub and having to eat, I played on it from about 9pm to 3am....then got up this afternoon and played on it from 1pm to.... well I'm still playing.) and the fact I will most likely waste the rest of my weekend doing the same; I have plenty of paintings planned!
I realise that's plural, but I only really have the 1 painting planned, but a big one, and a fellow student and friend has challenged me to do a painting a day for a week, instead of my usual drawn portrait a day challenge. So big painting this week, attempt at painting a day for next week.

I also want to plan how to make my model in a more sturdy material than paper so I can do a proper animation, not a long one, but one that one destroy the model in the process. So I'll also be thinking of a mini script to go with it.

So looking forward to the next 2 weeks, and I hope you all are too!

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