Tuesday 12 March 2013


After drawing Lock constantly, it's nice to draw a new character obsessively.

His name comes from a Shakespearean character from the play 'As You Like It'. He was quite a witty character and brought humor to the play. 
So I took elements from him to create my characters personality.
Because at first I wanted him just to be this serious hunter, but now I've added an element of mischief which makes him more interesting. My initial drawings of him had him always frowning, which I still like for a personality trait, but saved for when he's by himself/ hunting and taking things seriously. But when he is around others he is different, and not known for being this so serious.
I like to think that he is quite mischievous at heart, but is very intelligent and skilled, so while he is tough while hunting, he gets to relax by playing pranks on others, with the added element of being constantly underestimated; which he likes.

For his race, he is classified as an elf, but I do have some reptile like features in there too.
Also as seen on a previous post, he has bio-luminescence.


  1. woop! Nice to see you adding colour :P

    1. I know it's rare isn't it! But I can't keep such a colourful character drawn in black and white.
