Friday 22 March 2013

Friday Roundup

This week I planned out my paper model, and yesterday finally made a very rough version of it.

I will try making a few line tests with this one.
What I'll need to do is make it again out of card so when I actually come to animating it properly, it wont break on me.

Today there was someone coming in to talk to us I think about illustrations or something. I wouldn't have minded going but I had to stay home and look after the dog (Parents went to a funeral and stayed in town a bit afterwards) so missed out, hopefully however I'll be able to get notes on it on Monday and have a go at what they were doing.

Also this week we were told we had to do a presentation for next week, so I'll probably start that the day before we do it. Not gonna lie, the live brief stuff is something I had been putting off because I wanted to do my own thing. But will have to look at it now... oh well

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