Friday 29 March 2013

Friday Roundup/ holidays

This week I finally got round to animating my little model
It looks funny, but I got a good understanding of how it all works.
Will go over the footage and erase the crane that held the model up so it looks better.

But what I plan for over the holidays it what I'm  really excited about!
Ignoring the fact I have completely wasted today playing a new MMORPG that came out yesturday (came out at 7pm, so after a quick trip to the pub and having to eat, I played on it from about 9pm to 3am....then got up this afternoon and played on it from 1pm to.... well I'm still playing.) and the fact I will most likely waste the rest of my weekend doing the same; I have plenty of paintings planned!
I realise that's plural, but I only really have the 1 painting planned, but a big one, and a fellow student and friend has challenged me to do a painting a day for a week, instead of my usual drawn portrait a day challenge. So big painting this week, attempt at painting a day for next week.

I also want to plan how to make my model in a more sturdy material than paper so I can do a proper animation, not a long one, but one that one destroy the model in the process. So I'll also be thinking of a mini script to go with it.

So looking forward to the next 2 weeks, and I hope you all are too!

Monday 25 March 2013

Monday update

30 minutes after Monday, but close enough.
I just wanted to make sure I update.

This week I want to try and get a few animations done.
I have my very rough model and will make his hands and feet tomorrow then get to making some line tests.
I'll remake him out of card later, but just get some animations done this week will be good.

Also, I had another idea for a quick animations. I may have mentioned doing something like this before, but my hand sculpt I did, probably back in 2011 by now, if not just early 2012, I want to go back to that.
My tutor wants me to make a full scale puppet, but I wont be doing that.
I'll make different shapes with my hand, sculpt them and then hopefully through that method will get an animation of a hand crawling along the ground. I think it'd be cool. If I added some blood and can make it zombie-esque.

So some rough animation tests are the plans for this week.

Small side note, I hope to also have an idea of what to do for a live brief by the end of the week as well.
But more on that on Friday.

Friday 22 March 2013

Friday Roundup

This week I planned out my paper model, and yesterday finally made a very rough version of it.

I will try making a few line tests with this one.
What I'll need to do is make it again out of card so when I actually come to animating it properly, it wont break on me.

Today there was someone coming in to talk to us I think about illustrations or something. I wouldn't have minded going but I had to stay home and look after the dog (Parents went to a funeral and stayed in town a bit afterwards) so missed out, hopefully however I'll be able to get notes on it on Monday and have a go at what they were doing.

Also this week we were told we had to do a presentation for next week, so I'll probably start that the day before we do it. Not gonna lie, the live brief stuff is something I had been putting off because I wanted to do my own thing. But will have to look at it now... oh well

Monday 18 March 2013


I've restarted my Portrait a Day challenge, I was going to wait until after Easter but I wanted to draw today, and seeing as I'd probably be wanting to carry on drawing a lot, I may's well start the challenge when I'm motivated.

Check out the PaD blog here:

Monday Update

I didn't end last week in the best of moods, but I'm feeling better about my paper model this week.
I finished strengthening parts with plastic and started trying to work out how I'd make the paper parts today.
I liked the way it was drawn out. And because I suck at sculpting, being about to just draw my design onto a model is much better.
Tomorrow I'll be actually measuring the pieces out properly and cutting them out to make sure my patterns are correct.
If that works I'll redo them again neatly and coloured up in photoshop for the final thing.

Meaning by the end of this week I hope to have it ready for animating.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Portrait a Day

I've decided I'll restart this challenge again.
I'm unhappy with how little I'm drawing portraits this year and other than the fact I draw birthday drawings for a few bands, (because I do that every year) I don't draw for the pure pleasure of it.
Also looking back at what I did last time, my drawings SUCKED.

But thanks to my other challenge of doing a sketchdump every week, which I only posted on my deviantART, I have improved.
So hopefully this time around my drawing will be/ get better.

Only thing I haven't decided yet is to draw people by name/ alphabetical order, or just draw who ever I want whenever...
Last time I tried to draw one person from each kpop group I listened to, until I ran out and just drew whoever.
Also, need to figure out when to start. Either on Monday, or maybe after the Easter holidays and do it until the end of college. So either 2 months or just the 1.

Friday 15 March 2013

Friday Roundup

Well yesterday I started another model but just a rough one to make into a paper one. So it's just a quick structure then I'll draw out the design.
It's an interesting idea but not actually something I'm interested in, like, at all.
My tutor seemed to want to do it though, as it seemed something I'd be good at because it's more drawing orientated.
So he just started making the model. Which is something I'd have liked to do myself, but at least I saw how to make the basic structure, so next week I'll just do one by myself.

Sorry I don't seem to be in a very good mood about this.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


After drawing Lock constantly, it's nice to draw a new character obsessively.

His name comes from a Shakespearean character from the play 'As You Like It'. He was quite a witty character and brought humor to the play. 
So I took elements from him to create my characters personality.
Because at first I wanted him just to be this serious hunter, but now I've added an element of mischief which makes him more interesting. My initial drawings of him had him always frowning, which I still like for a personality trait, but saved for when he's by himself/ hunting and taking things seriously. But when he is around others he is different, and not known for being this so serious.
I like to think that he is quite mischievous at heart, but is very intelligent and skilled, so while he is tough while hunting, he gets to relax by playing pranks on others, with the added element of being constantly underestimated; which he likes.

For his race, he is classified as an elf, but I do have some reptile like features in there too.
Also as seen on a previous post, he has bio-luminescence.

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday Update

This week I plan to start the modeling process with help from my Tutor

However that wont be until Thursday. So until then I'll be getting portfolio stuff ready to be looked over. I don't really have anything I like, so I guess I'll mainly just have a plan of what I'm going to have. But the few things I do have I'll print out.

Today I've just been drawing my new character, Touchstone.
I do plan to make him into a model, but I think to start with I'll model Flin; otherwise I feel as though I've abandoned him for Touchstone.
But I'm doing more digital paintings and model sheets for both characters.

Now I'll leave you with a mischievous grinning Touchstone.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Elf Design

Yeah I still haven't named him yet,
But wanted to do colour design.

I also wanted to design the environment he'd live in.
I can't for the life of me draw/ paint landscapes, but was still fun to at least get a bit of my idea across.

I did plan to actually make it looks as nice as I could, but for now I'll leave it in it's rough stage. -needed a break from it-

(part of me really wants to call him Touchstone, but haven't quite decided yet)

Friday 8 March 2013

Friday Roundup

Haven't had one of these in a while.
Well, the beginning of to the end!
In this first week I've created 2 characters,  Flin and....... I haven't named the other of yet, lets just call him Elf for now.

Flin is the character I wanted to make into a stop motion puppet, and will start doing that next week with the tutor. He'll end up being animation in a very short Short.
I created Elf because as a design, Flin is quite boring, not in a bad way he's just simple so will be easier to make. So I created Elf because I wanted so more detailed design work.
I want to make him too, but he wont be for animating, I'm concentrating on his looks more than his movement.

I may not make them in the same way, if anything I want to make Elf into a little toy (Like scan him in and print him out). But it'll give me something to mess around with for the next few weeks.

I still need to look over some of the live briefs, to chose which one I want to do. That'll either be over the weekend or sometime next week.

What I'll probably do tonight is make Elf's staff. Because a friend from college got bored and wanted to make it in digital 3D, so I want to make it traditionally and compare...The competition is ON!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Random Thought

I've been thinking about starting my portrait a day thing, just because I've definitely had enough of a break since doing it. However I may do that after I've finished this course, just because these last few weeks may be a bit hectic.
So another though I had, was maybe doing a character a day.
So try and design a really simple character each day. It wont take as long to do and by the end of it I'll have a nice little collection.
I kinda did this once before but it wasn't one a day, I just took one day to fill up an A2 piece of paper with as many characters I could think of.

If I did, I may just do it for a month. Or maybe less because there's a good chance I'd run out of ideas after the first week.

I'll think about it some more, but I'm designing one at the moment which would be more fun to print out than Flin; because Flin is Kind of plain where this one is more detailed.

Final weeks Plan

I guess I need to make a plan for the last few weeks I have on this course.
However, I can't really plan everything out like I've been told because I don't now how much time I want to spend on each thing. And yet to properly look through competitions...

But the first week has been, and still is, about creating Model Sheets for the character I am wanting to create a stop motion model for

The Second week is going to be the start of me making that model, my tutor said he'll show me how, kind of a week of master classes on it.

Then I don't know what will happen the weeks after, is I will carry on working on the model or make more characters.
I want to create a character that I can print, just because I want to print something.

I also need to properly look at all the competitions/ live briefs I can do and pick out the ones I want to try. I'm most likely going to chose illustrations ones, maybe one animation one (like the 5 second animations thing).

So lets say that's 6 weeks of stuff,
I have a week to fill, which will most likely just be planning stuff for my final show, which I can create between the gap between final hand in and the actual show.

It's not a very solid time plan but I don't like everything set it stone because I'll never keep to it, having a basic plan works best and it gives me room to breath.

At the end of this week I'll post my model sheet for my Flin character (I'll just be doing one) ready to start making next week.