Wednesday 27 February 2013

Oil Painting Attempt

What has turned out to be my first painting of the year (although small and quick) is using Oils!

It was very interesting to work with. I definitely need a lot more practice; more then anything I'm just happy I got a reasonable skin tone out of it. I only bought a very basic set of colours and for the past 4 years I have been using a pale skin tone paint with my acrylic paintings, so no mixing needed to get a base layer down. Which is all well and good but you don't get the same textures and subtle mixes of colours you do when mixing it yourself.
The Oils really nice to blend together. I didn't use any water when doing this, which would have been better if not just to clean my brush.
And as always my line work is still just done it pencil; even just using pencil with it was a big change, it makes nice marks in the paint.

For my big painting, I've drawn out everyone, so now it's just a case of starting to paint. Which probably still will be done in acrylics, but I'm going to delay starting it just because I want to see if I get better at Oils first, in case I change my mind.
Also on Friday, when I go into college to hand in, I'm probably going to end up staying in all day again (apparently too lazy to get the train, and would quite like to see people) so will be bringing another small painting work in progress in to give myself something to do.

... I love painting again.

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