Monday 21 January 2013

Monday Update

So I need to do a to do list.
Mainly because my time plans are never useful (I never am able to follow them.... because I never really try to).

To Do.

-pick which scenes will be fully animated
-pick which ones will be seen in comic book format
-do line tests for each scene
-once finished line tests, go over in detail
-draw up comic book in detail
-draw/ animated all smaller comic scenes
-design and draw backgrounds
-composite character into them

If I've forgotten anything i'll just come back an add it in.

So far I've started doing line tests for the first two scenes, which I'm then wanting to go into more detail with today. So Hopefully by the end of today I'll have most of my first scene drawn.

I've also drawn out all my comic book, but half of it isn't really readable to any one other than me, so I will finish it properly. Then I need to draw it all out again, because the layout of the pages in proper comic book panels instead of my quick sketches. And to layout to book properly (I explain what i mean by that later, when I have photos to show).

In other news I started my CV.
I decided to do a comic book themed one. So I wrote a short script and drew out thumbnails of each page, So I have pretty much settled on a comic story to use for my CV. And for the actually info. (AKA the actual CV) I'm doing it in the style of adverts you would find in the back, which I've also started to design.
So I'm confident in doing that. I've drawn out a few characters I'll be using in the comic, just need to properly draw out each panel.

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