Tuesday 30 October 2012

Monday Update!....On a Tuesday

Okay so I had a very unpreductive day yesturday. I will get into why a bit later. But first, Here's a break down of what I still need to do.

1st Module
Reserach                       - DONE
Development                 -DONE
Back Story/ Script         -Need to type out
Model Sheets                -Need to edit a tiny bit, But then just needed to Print out on A3.

2nd Module
Research                - DOING (have quite a lot to do)
Development           - DONE

ANIMATIONS - Walk Cycle               - DONE X2
                             Facial animations       - May do some more
                             A random Scene        - DONE very roughly
                             Random extras          - DONE

I plan to finish my research and typing anything else up tonight as well as editing my model sheets slightly as suggested by the tutor.

So tomorrow, for my first module all I'll need to to is print out my Model Sheets.

For my second Module. I need to make my animations into proper (quicktime) Movie files before burning them onto a disk.

Hopefully this means I will be either done by tomorrow or Thursday (anything to avoid handing it in on Friday and risking being stuck behind many other people doing the same.)

Last but definitely not least!!!!!!!
..Some one needs to show me where on earth we go to hand in :S

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