Wednesday 27 February 2013

Oil Painting Attempt

What has turned out to be my first painting of the year (although small and quick) is using Oils!

It was very interesting to work with. I definitely need a lot more practice; more then anything I'm just happy I got a reasonable skin tone out of it. I only bought a very basic set of colours and for the past 4 years I have been using a pale skin tone paint with my acrylic paintings, so no mixing needed to get a base layer down. Which is all well and good but you don't get the same textures and subtle mixes of colours you do when mixing it yourself.
The Oils really nice to blend together. I didn't use any water when doing this, which would have been better if not just to clean my brush.
And as always my line work is still just done it pencil; even just using pencil with it was a big change, it makes nice marks in the paint.

For my big painting, I've drawn out everyone, so now it's just a case of starting to paint. Which probably still will be done in acrylics, but I'm going to delay starting it just because I want to see if I get better at Oils first, in case I change my mind.
Also on Friday, when I go into college to hand in, I'm probably going to end up staying in all day again (apparently too lazy to get the train, and would quite like to see people) so will be bringing another small painting work in progress in to give myself something to do.

... I love painting again.

Reading Week

Well after the big hand in and the fact I have finished my essay (if it weren't for the fact we don't get emailed the front covers until Thursday I'd have handed that in too) I finally have some free time.
So I can do my own art without feeling guilty!!!

So what the first thing on my agenda...


I haven't done a painting yet this year, and haven't even done a proper painting for quite some time anyway (I don't count my EXO painting because it SUUCKS). So I'm finally going to do a new painting!!!
And who of? SHINee of course!
I have 3 big paintings of them already, and stopped because I though I was doing too many of them, but seeing as it's been so long, I'm now going back to them.

On a simular note, I've just bought some oil paints, so I want to give them a try out. Probably not on this painting, but some time in the future.

I've missed doing paintings, I'm finally letting my Fine Art side free :)

I checked, I haven't done a proper Hardboard painting since my 'Fantastic Baby' one April last year!
And I haven't done a SHINee one since before I started college back in 2011!!!!
How have I survived?!?

Saturday 23 February 2013

Cut Out Music Video

When trying to search parpercraft animations, I some how came across this music video
Not paper, but it's an amazing cut out animation.


Hand In

Hand in was yesterday, I have happy with what I managed to get done.

If I were to go back I think it'd be to animate to whole thing properly...
No stills, and camera panning, just all drawn out frame by frame, what I had planned to do, but ended up cutting corners.

But I'm slightly sick of animating drawn frames so will have to give myself a bit of a break before thinking about going back to it.

I'm more likely to come back to the Comic Book Version and finish that off for the Final Show.

But for now, I'm taking a Break from Lock.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Monday Update...On A Tuesday

usual late update, we weren't in yesterday so didn't feel the need to update.
I managed to get most of the third scene done yesterday, I didn't completely do it because i need to properly draw out the last action, which i have very roughly but didn't want to put in because I thought it was too rough.

So even though most of it is rough, I've got it to the midpoint I wanted to get to.
I also put all of what i have already together to see the time, which is 1min 30. Which will hopefully get to 2 minutes once I've added to end (and edited a bit of the start to last longer).

CV wise.
I keep saying I'm nearly done, because i am, I just haven't worked on it for ages.
Done the comic book page layout, added all the backgrounds, added some of the characters (pretty much all them apart from the drawings on myself which I haven't put in). So all I really need to do is the back page layout with my actual CV details on it.

I may try and finish that off today, then draw the final scene of my animation and edit it together and that should be able to be finished at least by tomorrow.

Only things I'm missing are sound and backgrounds.
But again, i don't really mind that.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Quick Update

I haven't updated on my animation for a while.

I have roughly animated the first 2 scenes ( and I'm only doing 3) so once I've scanned the final scene in and completed that, I'll go back over in more detail. But getting a rough version done on time should be no trouble at all.

I do like it, there are some really simple, animatic looking scenes I should try and fix, but the fully animated parts I'm very happy with.
Only problem is, is that I don't have any background drawn.
I myself don't mind but tutors may be a bit disappointed.

I'll leave you with Lock kicking some @ss.

I realise I forgot a frame near the start, he should be bending before he jumps, but it's one of the things I'll fix later....

Friday 15 February 2013

Lock Model

I made a sculpture of Lock
I want to 3D scan him and finish him off (adding the face and generally cleaning it up).
And not that I'd know if I would be allowed, but I'd love to 3D Print him so I can have my very own Lock toy.

I made him in Plasticine because it's the easiest thing to work with, but obviously it doesn't dry so I'll have to be very careful with it.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Puppet Face

This is VERY poorly done
But it was a practice to see how I'd make a stop motion puppets face.

So I used air dry clay to do a quick model of a head around some plastic eyes I have.

Then I put sculpey on top to create a mask.

Pealed it off and baked it, then made the mouths

Then animated!
(The eyes can move, I just didn't do anything with them for the test)

As I said,  it is very poorly done
But it's practice more then anything.

I really need to get better at sculpting .

Thursday 7 February 2013

Vimeo Account

Thought I'd may's well post a link seeing as I finally posted something on it

THAN AnimatioN

(Ignore the Lady Gaga drawing, I uploaded that 2 years ago and don't really want to take it down....)

Monday 4 February 2013

Monday Update

Well, been a while but last monday I was ill so....

Today we were just looking at different competitions we could do. I'm quite interested in ones like Red Kites contest, but the only thing is I don't think my animating skill level is really high enough. So what I'd like to look at more so is any illustration ones.
Before today I did wanted to do the british Eurosport brief because I'm a big tour de France fan and to work on something I'd really be interested in would be fun. But It's not really animation based, but I think as long as I use the things they want, I could make an animation for it. But I will have to look into it more. Also, I think the deadline is in march and I don't think I will really have enough time to do it while still working on my animation short project.

Talking about my Short, just been drawing out my scenes, I need to re-look over what I've done and what I need to do. I'm thinking of cutting my story in half; partly because the second half looks really complicated to animate, and the other reason is that I think if I just concentrate on half, I think it'll come out well instead of trying to do it all and everything looking too rough.
So I'll concentrate and getting the first 3 scenes done, and if I run out of time I can add 'to be continued' at the end and it will still work (I have a good cut off point for it).

I made a checklist for myself, so either tonight or tomorrow I'll post it up here.

Sunday 3 February 2013


For My creative CV I'm doing a comic, and I found a Comic book strip Generator online, so I made these using it, because it seemed like the easiest way.
What I'll do is print them out and just draw on them traditionally.
I will aim towards getting this finished this week.