Sunday 20 October 2013

EXO Growl, Music Video Cover Animation

I have finally finished

I feel as though I should properly count how many drawings there are, but I haven't yet. All I can say is that there's a minimum of 1230 drawings.
Took around 70 days to do (not all consecutively as I had a weeks break in the middle of September).
I also can't say that with 100% confidence as I can't remember exactly how many days I didn't draw any/ drew very few so wouldn't want to count it as a days work.
When doing a proper days work however I would say I spent on average 10 hours a day.
Either way I started on July 31st, and finished October 17th.

I spent the last day going through frame by frame to check for any mistakes. there were quite a few (missing limbs mostly, but sometimes I'd even missed a member out.) and there are still some in, but hopefully only minor ones which aren't too obvious.

I'm very happy with the final result, even though I would like it to be even smoother, the thought of adding more frames in to do so is a bit too much for me. However, after having a long break, I may come back to it and add the background I said I might do before. The reason I didn't because I realised; even though the background would be very simple and take under half the time to do than these first drawings, I'd still have to do over 1000 drawings which I didn't feel up to at this point.

Another small detail is that I only add faces when they come close to the camera, I had always planned to do this but I had trouble with the flashing lights in the original footage so when the lights went off, I couldn't see the faces at all at some points, so they aren't well done. Also the scene with the 3 members walking forwards, the faces cut out early because the last few frames were so dark I didn't even want to attempt it.
But the flashing light style in this MV was the only trouble I really had doing this. I enjoyed drawing this very much (when the lights were fully on). It kind of gave me something to look forward to if I had a long string of dark frames.

Also the start and end I ended up keeping white;  was going to make the inside of the caps dark so it'd make more sense, but for this version I decided just to keep it as line work. Again when/ if I go back to do the background, I may also add shading.

It's slightly hard to believe I've finished. For over 2 months all I've really been thinking about is this animation and planning it all out trying to work out how much work I need to do to finish it in the least amount of time (and if I had kept up my 20 drawings a day, I would have finished a lot sooner).
I had that feeling of "why am I doing this?" around the 400 drawings mark, and thought about just stopping. But thought that I may as well finish it, even if I have a lot of work to do it's still something to do and I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end. And it really was. The night I uploaded it to Youtube/ Vimeo I had a moment of realisation that I was finally done and was very happy.

I love this style of animation and hope I can do another like this. But maybe even do it for more than just a bit of fun.

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