Wednesday 14 November 2012

Testing So Far

When rotoscoping over the top of a video. If we are wanting to keep the original video underneath the rotoscope I will have to literally draw every frame in order to completely mask the person I'm rotoscoping.

I have a problem with this seeing as it's taken me at least an hour to draw 22 frames and it'd take 3 times that to fit the video. I can do it of course and I'm guessing the guys want me to. It's just gonna take a lot of time.

If we were to record the background without the character then I can composite my rotoscoped version of the character onto the top of it, hopefully without mistake.
This is an example of where a still, or locked, camera is needed in order to make sure my character fits into the background.

I will post my work so far once I've finished animating.

In other news I do actaully like the look of my rotoscoping, and this is before adding any random elements (ie cartoon body parts.)

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