Tuesday 28 February 2012

Morph- Elephant to Hoover

I'm quite pleased with this actually, the shading was harder than the actual morph.

I did only do this on an old version of  Photoshop, so wil have to do it properly in college to make it a quicktime file.

Monday 27 February 2012

Weekly Update

Final week for 2 projects.

First things first, My morph. I haven't actually started it yet because I over heard someone talking about theirs, and realised  they had the same idea as me, so I scrapped that and came up  with another one which I  just need to start.
I'm sure once I do I will be able to quickly do it, will only be a simple morph, no walk cycles like my first idea.

My E4 stinger, well I think I need to change one of my character assets but apart from that I'm all set.
I've taken photos of my set for the first half of the animation, so I need to take photos of the second with the main view (which is annoyingly hard to set up, I think I need to make it all more stable because it likes to fall apart every other frame).

So, plan for the week.
Once I get home today (coming in was kinda pointless seeing as my set is at home) I will firstly have a nap get straight onto doing my morph, hopefully will do at least half the frames in rough. Then I can edit my assets which ever way I need to, but will wait 'till it's dark out to start shooting again because If I start with any natural light the colours will be all off.
Through out the week I will just be editing my animation which ever way it may need; making sure it lasts 10 seconds. And will have to find the E4 sound bites to add to it. So probably on the thursday I will be putting any final touches on it in final cut.
And for college I will just be working on my morph each day.

So I think everything seems to be in control.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

E4 set

I came to realise that creating the set was a bit harder than I first thought, didn't really know how to do it.
There is probably an easier way than this...

My first attempt was putting it all in a box, but I needed more light.

I also took very rough photos of each frame.
you can see it isn't quite 10 seconds yet, but I can add a bit more to the first and last walks, and will need to spend more time on the ending E4 logo.

You can also see I'm missing a few assets, ( like the table and the actual coffee pot)
These can be very easily added in so I just got all my character assets out the way and will do the last few things tomorrow. So just ignore the fact I'm having to hold the final logo on this.

Monday 20 February 2012

Weekly Upda- FIIIRREE!!!!

Sorry about that, false alarm.


I have stopped hating Illustrator as much.
I started doing Ray's profile view, because I couldn't really be bothered to do the front view again, I was gonna try and find it but I'm better at Illustrator now so I may start over again anyway.
Was messing around and was able to work out how to do the live paint thing for colouring it, i couldn't do it last time, i just used the pen tool on another layer.

One day I'm gonna have to actually ask the tutor for help, but for now I seem to do fine with experimenting until it goes right.

E4 news, I have drawn up my character assets neatly, and i think they are all done (as in I have all the assets, not that they are all coloured up and everything).
So Colouring them up next and experimenting with how I'm gonna animate them (just photos or Cinema 4D)

So I have my week planned,
I'll try and stop doing random other projects, at least until after I have these college projects handed in.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Traditional Hand Model

Something about doing things digitally makes me want to create it traditionally.
I actually just got bored after finishing making my mask, so started papering up my thumb

I'm actually quite pleased with how much shape it kept once I took it off.
(And happy with the fact it didn't get totally destroyed.)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Digital Painting WIP 2

Really enjoying drawing this.
11 hours on it so far

E4 Linetests

Shadow Linetest

Turn Linetest

Managed to do nearly all of my character assets today in rough, just line testing them now. I think they work well enough, and last the right amount of time (so 10 seconds may not be freakin' impossible to achieve.) Will start doing them up neatly and do the assets for when the character walks off at the end as well as all the props.

Monday 13 February 2012

Hand modeling C4D

First time modeling... anything

Colouring on Illustrator

I didn't have my original drawing of Ray saved onto my USB (which i was sure i did) So I ended up doing a really quick line work to start colouring.
Which by that point I couldn't remember how on earth to do use the fill. So I have been using the pen tool fill for it all, i can safely say it sucks.

I really don't like Illustrator, it's way to complicated to do the simplest of things.
Other than these tutorial lessons things, there's no way I'm using illustrator.
sticking to photoshop

Weekly Update

last week I felt as though I was mainly concentrating on my presentation.
So this week will be starting doing pre production for my E4 stinger, now that my idea seems to be approved of.

Other than that, I worked on my characters back story, I have a page of what happened to him and a paragraph of his personality.
Then i got carried away and i have a whole opening scene of what hi story would be. I think I want to continue it so I will keep writing it as a short story, but out of college so I don't work on that more than my E4 project.

Not sure what we are doing today, probably more work on our characters.
Will post another update afterwards.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Digital painting

Saw a really nice digital painting the other day, and seeing as we've been randomly talking about digital drawing I felt like I wanted to try doing one again.

Took a screenshot of how it's going so far,
I always do a really quick sketch first, even though I never stick to it.
It started off a bit weird, but I kinda got into it.

Use to love drawing like this, it's been a good 2 years since I last did it.

Friday 10 February 2012


Came across this randomly on Youtube.
I really love it.

Monday 6 February 2012

Ray the Zombie- Model Head

 So as I mentioned I did start making my Zombie character with Newspaper, so here are some photos.

Just some WIP shots, thought I'd take some before I glued everything together.

All painted up.
I can't make the body for some reason, can't get the shape right

P.S blogger is a b*tch when it comes to trying to place photo's beside each other.

Ray the Zombie- Illustrator

My Zombie character :D
As everyone else is concentrating just on the line work, I manage to add the blood in..... it just isn't right without blood.
Also, I do rather dislike the pen tool, I just click things and hope for the best. 

Weekly Update

Nothing much again, last week was a mixture of character design and E4 stinger ideas. I have 3 ideas, 2 I like and one is just really random.
I've written a rough draft of my Proposal and Treatment, and not even sure how I'm going to put everything together on powerpoint, but as soon as I go on it and mess around I'm sure I'll get an idea.

Today is character design again, first time on illustrator as well.

Will post photos of what I do afterwards.

On another note I have also got a 3D head of my character, seeing as I got over excited about my idea and ended up making it out of Newspaper (and a LOT of PVA glue)
Also will post photos up, once I get home.