Tuesday 21 January 2014


Well yes happy new year I guess. It's nearly the end of January but still.

I've been quite busy so kinda forgot about this blog. Been trying to find work really, being more freelance and getting random jobs.
Thankfully my brother has introduced me to a place called Fiverr.com Where you just offer something quick and simple and people pay you to do it. Mine is http://fiverr.com/kathrynjay/draw-you-in-my-cartoon-style where I just offer to draw someone.
BUT. From that I have gotten 2 other projects just based on my drawings shown but not to do with the original offer.
I designed a Roller Derby logo for someone, I finished it last night and should be getting pain soon. And I got asked to recreate a photo someone lost because they are doing a project themselves and have a few artists doing them. I put that one on hold for a bit but will be sending them sketches today.

I have also had one actual order based on my sale and have been paid for it, so it's great! It is an american site though, so it's $5, and the site takes a cut, so I actually got £2.45, but it's still something!

I've also set up monitization on my Youtube, so while I can't make money of my big animations, they still bring views in to my page and I will be recording myself drawing more so I will hopefully slowly get more and more views. technically I have made about 3p so far, but that's way too low for them to actually pay me (£60 is about as much as I need to make before they start sending me money, I think, I got kinda confused by it).

I also have done another commission (from mother) to draw her grand niece for her 2nd birthday, and also do a name design, thing, for her. I will be doing one for her other grand niece who's birthday is in February. Not sure if I'm getting paid for them both..... need to ask her about that.

I will post pictures of all this work here soon.

Also! I have applied for a scholarship to help me market my art, not sure when I hear back though. And I might be applying for another job as well, or at least an internship, just need to send a CV.

So yeah, I've been doing a lot to try and actually get my name out there and make money.
Honestly, I'd love if I properly started getting money from youtube, and try to set up a site to get some proper freelance work instead of having to go through Fiverr.
That's my aim for this year really.

It's exciting getting paid to do art.

Sunday 8 December 2013

More Commissons

Another Commission, this time of people, so it came out a lot better than the others I've done.

I was going to edit the photo so the faces were closer together and just do them, but I was told that they wanted this particular photo drawn because of the happy memories of the day, so I felt it was best to keep the entire photo in, canes and all.

I'm very happy with it.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Baby Commission/ Garden Sketch

It's around 6 by 6 inches
Took 2 hours.

This wasn't really a commission as my mother was asked to try doing this drawing for a friend a while ago, but seeing as I had just drawn the baby I decided to give this ago as well.

A4 sized and also took 2 hours.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

No longer Monday but still updating

I just thought of something.
Even though I'm trying to make myself post more, even though I have 2 people who actually look at my posts, when it comes to new people coming to my blog, any of the important stuff is few a far between. Instead they just see a whole load of sketches.

So what I'm thinking of doing is scrapping my weekly timetable.
I will still update on Mondays and Sundays when it comes to updating you and showing my comissions and big projects. But the rest isn't really important or mainly just takes up space.
I realise this time table didn't last very long, but there was so much I didn't get round to ever poting (like writing) and I forgot to post a lot of the time.
So with my Sketch dumps, what I'll do instead is either once a month posts, or every other month.
I still want to share them but not the way I'm doing now.
So much so that I may delete all the past posts to get rid of the clutter and do a big post with them all at the end of this month.

I'm not sure yet, but I'm gonna think a bout it a bit more.

Monday 11 November 2013

Monday Update

Sorry I have been so inactive of late, but with Halloween and a Team Fortress 2 update celebrating it I was consumed by just playing it all the time. Consider the past 2 weeks as my break!

I have done work however, commissions and just drawing portraiture still.

The biggest news I have is that my EXO Growl animation went VIRAL! Kind of...
But I did get over 90,000 views on it over the past week!
I was absolutely mind blown. One minute I'm checking up on to see if I've finally hit 200 views (once it did I considered talking a screenshot on tweeting it. The next my phone is going crazy with comments and subscriptions! I want to thank EVERYONE so much for viewing it and commenting and liking and everything! Seriously, It's made me so happy. All because 1 or 2 people shared it and all their followers came flowing in to watch.
So a week ago my goal view count was 200, this week it's 100,000!

I feel I should do something once it hits it. Don't know how long it'll take but I'm hoping the views will steadily keep going up.

But because I got subscribers I recorded myself drawing D.O, which I'll post here on Sunday.

In other news I finally got around to doing some commissions and have been paid for one (the other is only small so don't expect much for it). So will also post them in the following weeks.

Will try to be a bit more active here now, but no promises (mainly because I forget to post a lot).