Monday 30 April 2012

Model Sheet So Far

Quick screenshot of my work today. Only thing I didn't do today was the profile view of Ray.
All I really need to do is the colour references, and for that I'm doing little bloody hand prints, so going to have to make the base for them at home.

7 colours used all together (not including shading)

Weekly Update

Today will be working on my characters model sheet. I'm redoing my very first drawing done in Illustrator. not just because it wasn't very good, but because I did actually lose the original file, and only have a JPEG version, which obviously isn't good enough quality when put back into Illustrator.
However I think I've forgotten a few things. so it may take a while just to do this one drawing.

Part of me wants to hand draw it, but I will do this now, then again at home traditionally.

Monday 23 April 2012

Weekly Update

3 weeks left on the course, and I'm not stressing out yet.
Obviously I have my blog under control for the PPD project.
The other 2 I have started working on both, but not anywhere near finished.
3D model I need to finish making, I did start again, mainly because my first attempt seemed a bit messy, and he needed feet. I need to also finish my elevations as I want to redo 1 because it wasn't very well done.
I have started 3 Contextual studies subjects and started my final essay, but in a very rough form.
I will create a timetable later, once I've thought more on how I'm going to use my time.

3rd Mixed Media Animation: Quay Brothers

I know some people were struggling to remember what the 3rd animation we watched was called.
Not being 100% sure I do think this is the one people were thinking of.

I do really like this animation, I'm definitely interested in creating models traditionally more than digitally.

Friday 20 April 2012

Time Table

Work on 3d model
Start writing up essay
Essay/ research
Finish Elevations for Character Sheet
Work on Character Sheet
Type up Essay
Type up essay
Type up Research
Finish Character Sheet
Finish off any writting
Work on 3d model/ finish modelling
Start rigging 3d Model, animate walk cycle.
Put everything together/ create Show Reel
Print and bind things and
Hand In!!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Traditional modeling experiment

Well as you know I like to make things traditionally. Well I have come up with a way to try and make a little model, which I failed at doing in the past because I found it too hard to get the right shape when modeling with paper.

I have some Plasticine, which I forgot about, which I will make the model out of. I don't have clay and I don't normally like making stuff out of Plasticine as it doesn't harden. But I will then use that as a base and go over it with paper, so it's like what I do with my masks. Then I will try 2 things; layer the mold up with more paper with one mold, then with another I will try pouring wax into it.

I can see this going horribly wrong....

Wish me luck!